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  • Environmental  Impacts of Eating Animals
    June 30, 2020

    Environmental Impacts of Eating Animals

    To all the vegans and vegetarians out there, you have got a point to reflect on while being on a diet plan. Being on a vegan diet, you are actually helping out the environment in healing procedures...

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    June 30, 2020

    Gluten Free Diet – Pros and Cons

    As the trend comes and goes, the gluten free diet has also been in modern trend since five to seven years. People have been switching to gluten diets just because of modern times. There are definit...

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  • Keto Diet Foods
    June 29, 2020

    Keto Diet Foods List 2020

    2020 has become an unforgettable year. A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so raw, so scary, so disdain that it finally forces us to grow. A year that screams so loud and clear, awakening us from ...

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  • Danger of being a vegan
    June 17, 2020

    What Are The Dangers Of Being A Vegan?

    There is a certain group of people who decide to turn into a vegan because of their religious views. There is a group of people who want to try veganism because of obesity or an extreme diet plan. ...

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  • A Look At Vegan Cheese
    June 17, 2020

    A Look At Vegan Cheese

    The most important reason that people resist turning into vegan is cheese. Cheese is the most loved and popular dairy product which is used all over the world. It is used in almost all the dishes f...

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