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Is Keto Diet Good For Diabetics?

Is Keto Diet Good For Diabetics?

Diabetes has been known to be the age old problem with no treatment whatsoever. It has been observed that diabetes is a permanent problem which can lead to various other health issues. It can also be due to less physical activity.

There have been many suggestions that keto diet and the Atkins diet can help with diabetes and are also proven to be true to its word. They might not curb the disease completely but it can surely relieve the symptoms of the diabetes.

The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. The major cause of diabetes is genetic hereditary. Even obesity increases your risk to have diabetes. The most affected by it are asian americans.This article will be focusing on how keto diet can help you to relieve diabetes and its symptoms for long term.


Keto diet also known as ketogenic diet is a very low carb diet and high fat content means which focuses on the reduction of weight in a long term time.

The incorporation of less carbohydrate and more fat makes the body get into ketosis. Ketosis is a type of metabolic state where instead of glucose; fat is used up for energy purposes. Fat is burned down into ketones which are used up for the bodily activities.

These ketones are used up as the energy for the functioning of the brain. Besides these, there are many other health benefits of the Keto diet.Keto diet has also been observed to reduce the amount of blood sugar levels and insulin level drastically. Keto die also prepares the body to fight with heart disease and try to prevent them from increasing cholesterol levels.


Type 2 diabetes is a type of disease which affects the way our body breaks down the sugar. It is certainly a chronic condition. This happens because either our body stops the production of insulin or insulin resistance.

In earlier times, because of the lifestyle the disease affected only adults. Now, even the children are being diagnosed with the disorder.The cure of the disease is still not found. It all depends on how you can manage type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels and insulin therapies.

What happens to glucose?

Glucose is a type of sugar which is present in the body for energy purposes. The major source of glucose is liver and food. Sugar is absorbed in the bloodstream where it enters with the help of insulin. Liver is a storehouse of glucose. Whenever the glucose level is low, the liver breaks down the glycogen to form glucose.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body stops this process and the glucose starts accumulating in the bloodstream. When the sugar level increases, insulin is produced to resist that. But in diseases, the body stops the production of insulin.

Causes of type 2 diabetes

o   Obesity

o   Sedentary lifestyle

o   Unhealthy food

o   High blood pressure

o   Age

o   Genetic predisposition

o   Stress

Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes

o   Increased level of thirst

o   Frequent urine

o   Hunger

o   Weight loss

o   Infections

o   Darkened skin


Ketosis is a state of body which happens when you are on a keto diet. In ketosis, a smaller amount of ketones are produced which help in the daily metabolism activities. Ketones take the place of a normal glucose in our body.

Ketosis is solely dependent on the amount of carbohydrate and protein consumed. The production of ketones will not be the same. The body is made to reach ketosis to lose weight and also lower the A1c levels in diabetes.

Keto acidosis is a diseased form which mainly occurs to diabetic patients. It is completely different from ketosis. The ketone formation can be observed in both the state but in different quantities. Ketones formed in ketosis are quite lesser than the keto acidosis.

Keto acidosis is a dangerous condition which occurs when the body limits the formation of insulin and ketone starts building up in excess. It can be observed in urine tests. If the ketones in urine are in excess then it may be ketoacidosis.


As it is mentioned above, type 2 diabetes occurs due to obesity, sedentary lifestyle and consumption of unhealthy food. These three causes of the diabetes can be cured by following a diet. Keto diet is the safest diet.

Because of the inability to form insulin, the body disrupts the ability to use carbohydrates. This leads to the formation of sugar and elevates the quantity in blood. High carb meal is a major problem because it speeds up the sugar rapidly.

Ketogenic diet focuses on the low carb diet with more healthier options. It prevents diabetes and manages the glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes.


Keto diet has been proven to be successful because there have been cases where the glucose level starts declining in a healthier manner. The intake of a low carbohydrate diet makes it obvious enough to decrease the glucose.

The need for insulin reduces as the carbohydrate intake is reduced because there won’t be any more elimination in the glucose level. It is advised to take sugar free or artificial sweeteners.

Researchers have also found out that ketogenic diet can help in controlling the HbA1c levels. HbA1c refers to the amount of glucose travelling with the hemoglobin itself.


As read above, ketogenic diets have been successful in reducing the blood sugar levels. With this, it also reduces the amount of medicines a patient might take. The external insulin given to a patient with the ketogenic diet might increase the risk of low blood sugar. So, gradually the amount of insulin given to the patient is reduced so that there is maintenance of a healthy amount of blood sugar level in the body.

It is advised that you consult a doctor before starting any kind of diet because they may want to reduce the medicines and insulin injections with the fulfillment of the diet.


Keto diet has been successful in burning fat. It was initially adapted by the people who wanted to reduce weight which also prevented the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Weight loss will help the body to control the glycemic index. Patients with type 2 diabetes are already struggling with the weakness and shortage of energy. The keto diet will fulfill the needs of energy and overall well being of the body. Studies show that there has been noticeable change in the patients who are following a ketogenic diet.


The ketogenic diet focuses on reducing the carbohydrate diet to 20-50 grams per day. Diabetic patients should make sure that their calorie distribution must be divided in such a way that 10% is from carbohydrate, 20% is from protein and 70% is from fat. Keep a note that you reduce the amount of packaged and processed foods.

Type of food which you can include in are:

Low carbohydrate vegetables – Except any kind of starchy food or vegetables such as potatoes and corn you can include any.

Eggs – Make sure that you incorporate eggs in your diet. It consists of very low carbohydrates and is a good source of protein.

Fatty meats – Fatty meats are only acceptable in moderation. The combination of low carbohydrate and high protein may cause the liver to convert protein into glucose.

Fat sources – This can include the oils, such as olive oil, avocado oil, nuts and seeds.

Fish – Fish is also a good source of protein. It will also help you to manage the satiety level.

Berries – Berries are needed to be included in diet because of the source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


Starting a diet is an easier option but keep on following could be a little tough. You might get bored of the similar kind of food. But it is better than the sedentary lifestyle you were leading. Some of the tips are:

Don’t make it hard for you

It is advised that you keep your meal plans simple because it might get tough to cook and prepare for the ingredients. Get your grasp on the whole food. Avoid protein bars and processed foods as much as you can.

Don’t add more fat to your diet

If you are trying to reduce weight for diabetes then it is better that you keep on consuming the fat you already have. Keto diet is a high fat diet which will be enough with your normal food.

For example if your dinner consists of a salad made of avocado, bacon and eggs, then there is no need to add oil to make it keto.

Plan your meals

Planning and preparing for your meals can be a tedious job. It is better if you plan your meal plan for 1-2 weeks at a stretch. Accordingly also buy the ingredients you need.

Keep your food handy

There can be various places where keto food won’t be available for you such as offices and colleges. It would be perfect if you carry your own food packets so that you don’t have to compromise with the keto diet.

Have patience

Keto diet can be a long term procedure because it burns your fat naturally. Keep patience and let the keto diet take its course of time.


There are some side effects of the keto diet:

Short term

  •         Keto diet can have short term keto flu. It is because of the new diet.
  •         Constipation
  •         Loss of energy
  •         Headaches
  •         Frequent urine
  •         Loss of salts

Long term

Long term effects might include:

  •         Because of the high amount of protein diet there might be formation of kidney stones.
  •         While following fat loss techniques, you might lose count of nutrient intake. It might create deficiency of essential nutrients.
  •         It might reduce your blood glucose level to a significant level if not taken care. It might lead to hypoglycemia.


To conclude, make sure that you are dieting under your doctor’s consultation. Keto diet has been significantly proven to help you with type 2 diabetes.

If the causes of the disease are cured then the disease also gets relieved. It is a chronic disease which cannot be cured completely.

Keto diet will help you to have an energetic lifestyle without the consumption of carbohydrates. It will also reduce your diseased condition.



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