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Is Gluten Ingestion Damage Permanent

Is Gluten Ingestion Damage Permanent?

Without any further ado and without reading any further, the answer is NO. The damage caused by the gluten is not permanent and without any medications also it can be treated unless there is continuous consumption of gluten.The first thing to know about the damage caused by the gluten should be the area it affects. Those who have gluten sensitivity because of either celiac gluten sensitivity or non celiac gluten sensitivity, have difficult time digesting gluten.


Basically, gluten is the common name for two types of proteins called gliadin and glutenin. Glutenin is the major protein which is also present in the wheat flour. Out of these two, the most harmful protein is gliadin protein because it is hard to digest and remains undigested in the digestive system for a longer period.

In celiac disease, patients tend to face a major issue with the digestion problem. The normal people face a little problem in digesting the gluten so it becomes even harder for the patient to digest the gluten.

People with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity carry a gene called HLA that has various versions which are membrane receptors. They are present in the immune cells and play a great role in the body's first line of defense. HLA tends to have misconceptions about gluten and accepts that gliadin is harmful for the body.

Gliadin is also very specific in nature and binds to the HLA for a receptor complex. This activates an inflammatory response and damages the function and structure of the digestive system. This weakens the body and prevents the nutrients from absorbing.

In this way, gliadin tends to cross the intestine. The exposure from gluten creates a spiral in the intestinal wall which further inflames and leads to the leaky gut.This autoimmune disease of celiac gluten sensitivity harms the small intestine and starts with the inflammation. It also creates an adaptive immune system against gluten but it becomes difficult because of the natural processes.

Gluten containing grains have a rich amount of gluten which can harm the patient even more. For this reason it is advised to buy gluten free grains, gluten free breads and labeled gluten free products.


The centric place of destruction from gluten is villi. Villi are present in the intestinal wall. It takes at least 72 hours to regenerate until and unless they are exposed to gluten over again. The regeneration process also depends on how serious the gluten sensitivity is.

If the patient has had celiac disease and there has been an ample amount of damage to the villi then it might take time for regeneration. Those who have been following a strict gluten free diet with all the gluten free products then a patient might recover within a month. Else those who have been consuming gluten even after the damage might take years and can damage the whole organ.

Celiac disease is also known as extra intestinal disease which also means that if the damage is increased, it starts affecting the whole small intestine. The parts of the small intestine are duodenum, jejunum and ileum which might also get affected due to the damage of the wall.

The negative effects of the celiac disease will also lead to the damage of other parts as well such as liver, bones and skin. This damage can lead to many harmful symptoms. The absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals will be depleted also called malabsorption. The other symptoms could be bone loss, nutritional deficiencies and many other diseases.


In people with celiac disease, the gluten can cause a harmful reaction in the villi of the small intestine. In a normal person villi are finger like projections which are lined in the intestine for increase of surface area for absorption.

Whereas in people with the celiac disease, the villi flattens in shape and stops the absorption of nutrients. Instead it starts the production of antibodies which are generally the diagnostic marker for the disease.

The increased level of antibodies measures the amount of damage gluten might have caused. Further biopsy can make sure the damages in a particular region. Some of the researches have also been published which stated the severity of the disease by the levels of tTG levels in the test.

It has been seen that there is a definitive correlation between the tTg antibody numbers and the amount of severity. The severity can also be observed with the biopsy report. It states that higher the number of the antibodies higher the damage of the villi. It is advised by doctors that you follow a proper gluten free diet which includes labeled gluten free foods.



Before getting tested and coming to a conclusion, it is better that you check the symptoms and accordingly try and test if it is gluten which affects you.

Some of the signs are:


Digestive problems of the stomach might include either diarrhea or constipation. They are the most common symptoms and can also be due to some other reasons. You must also observe that if the conditions are nowhere to be solved then there can be some underlying conditions.You might also notice foul smell after passing stool. This can be the main reason for your malabsorption of nutrients in the intestine.

  1.     BLOATING

Bloating is the feeling of building up gas in your stomach. If properly explained you might have a feeling of full stomach which might be moderately to severely uncomfortable.For people with gluten intolerance, bloating can also be a common sign. You might also observe bloating after overeating. After the consumption of processed, gluten food, there may be a case of frequent bloating.


The gluten intolerance will cause severe cases of stomach pain. The initial sign of the gluten sensitivity will include the pain in the abdomen region.

  1.     WEAKNESS

When there is a consumption of a food product which you are intolerant of will make your body weak. This will lead to the continuous feeling of weakness of being tired. The immune system weakens to the extent.

You might also observe the incapability of your day to day activities. There might be a significant amount of weight loss. This is because of the nutrient deficiency in your body.

  1.     OTHER SIGNS

Some of the symptoms could be a little confusing because of their other reasons.

  •         Nausea
  •         Headaches
  •         Anemia
  •         Depression or anxiety
  •         Muscle loss

For the treatment purposes as well doctor will suggest you to go on a completely gluten free diet. You will have to beware that the ingredients do not have any hidden gluten content in it.

The protein found in wheat also called glutenin is the major harmful ingredient. You will have to look out for the same in all the food products you wish to buy. Consumption of naturally gluten free food will also help you to regain the immunity after the gluten damage. It is important to rebuild your immunity in the body after the excessive damage from the gluten.

Stay gluten free!








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