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how to take creatine for beginners

The Complete Creatine Guide For Beginners

The beginning of a fitness program is always fascinating. Fitness enthusiasts often worry before taking supplements. There is one such question that runs common among athletes and bodybuilders -  is creatine safe for beginners? Among all the supplements, creatine is one of the most studied supplements, and it is effective in increasing strength and exercise performance.  

In this blog, we will try to provide all the information you need to make the right decision. This guide will help beginners or those who want to know more about creatine supplements. We will discuss creatine’s benefits and how it may help beginners exercise. So, let’s find out - is creatine good for beginners? 

What Is Creatine? A Beginner's Introduction

Know more how is creatine good for beginners

Creatine is a compound found in muscle tissues. It plays an important role in generating energy during exercise. Creatine occurs naturally in the human body. Primarily found in the muscles, this compound is the primary reservoir of energy for high-intensity exercises. Skeletal muscles contain approximately 95 per cent of creatine, with two-thirds of it being phosphocreatine and the remaining amount being free creatine.  It is synthesised from three amino acids, namely, arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine helps to increase the body’s capacity for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is utilised for muscle contraction. Though your body manufactures creatine naturally, supplementary intake enhances performance.  Thus, it is used commonly among sportsmen and weight lifters. 

Benefits of Creatine for New Users

For beginners, creatine offers several proven benefits that can accelerate your fitness journey: 

  1. Increased Muscle Mass: Creatine makes the muscles retain more water, which gives them bulk. This also boosts the development of muscles if you combine the intake of creatine with rigorous exercises.

  2. Improved Strength and Power: Creatine increases the production of ATP, allowing muscles to work harder and increase strength. 

  3. Faster Recovery: Creatine aids in faster recovery and energy supply for higher performance in between sets of workouts. 

Creatine for beginners helps in the enhancement of muscle mass, endurance, and muscle recovery for faster progress.

Types of Creatine: Which One Should Beginners Choose?

There are several types of creatine available, but the two most popular forms are:

  • Creatine Monohydrate: This is the most well-researched and popular type of creatine. It is beneficial to increase strength and muscle mass. 

  • Creatine Hydrochloride (HCl): This form of creatine is easy on the stomach and does not cause bloating. In fact, it is ideal for some learners. 

At Wellversed, we believe Creatine Monohydrate is the best type of Creatine for beginners since it is the most effective of all supplements. Our Wellcore Creatine Monohydrate is pure, highly researched, and specifically developed for beginners to get the best results from workouts. 

Can Beginners Take Creatine?

should i take creatine as a beginner

A common question that beginners often ask before including creatine in their daily routine is: Can beginners take creatine?  Creatine is absolutely safe for consumption by beginners as well as for professional athletes. Beginners can get exceptional results while training after using creatine. Creatine gives you the necessary energy to perform more during a workout and regain strength in the shortest time. 

Is creatine safe for beginners? Several studies reveal that creatine is safe for those who exercise. However, it is important to consume it in prescribed quantities. Creatine can help you achieve your dream body faster, whether you are 

  • lifting heavy weights, 

  • performing high-intensity interval training (HIIT), 

  • participating in sports or 

  • being involved in any form of endurance exercise. 

Creatine Dosage for Beginners: How Much & When?

The next major question that arises is: how to take creatine for beginners? Here are the answers:

  • The standard dose of creatine in your body is approximately 3-5 grams per day. 

  • During the loading phase, 20 grams of this supplement should be taken daily for 5-7 days. 

  • In the maintenance phase, this intake can be reduced later to 3-5 grams. 

But in your first week, you don’t have to start a loading phase like any other weightlifter. You can take a normal dose of 3 to 5 grams every day, and this will be quite effective. The results may take a little longer to appear.  Creatine can be consumed at any time, whether before, during or after a session, or at any time that you deem suitable. 

The Importance of Proper Creatine Loading Phase

Should a beginner take creatine? It depends on your goals. A loading phase can help increase creatine levels in your muscles faster, leading to quicker results. However, taking 20 grams per day can cause mild digestive discomfort for some.

If you’re unsure, it’s okay to skip the loading phase. You’ll still get the benefits of creatine by taking 3-5 grams daily, just at a slower pace.

Understanding Creatine Cycles: Should Beginners Follow Them?

While consuming creatine supplementation, some individuals often follow a cycle of this supplement. That involves taking this supplement consistently for weeks, then off for weeks. While some people think that such cycling of the supplement helps prevent the body from developing tolerance to creatine. However, that is not true. Notably, Creatine does not induce tolerance. Instead, its effectiveness depends on the saturation of levels in your muscles, not on establishing a tolerance. Unless it is advised for certain health reasons, you do not have to cycle creatine supplementation at all.  However, it is not an issue with beginners, as they can consume it daily.

Bottom Line

Creatine is one of the safest and most effective supplements that beginners can incorporate in their fitness regime. It helps increase energy, enhances the strength of the muscles, and assists in faster muscle recovery. At Wellversed, we are dedicated to delivering you the best creatine supplement. Our Wellcore Creatine Monohydrate supplement is intended to complement our pre-workout formulas to offer the best results for your fitness goals. 

Achieve Fitness with Wellcore Creatine Monohydrate

How  can a beginners take creatine

Creatine for beginners is very effective for those who would like to enhance their fitness levels and performance. At Wellversed, our Wellcore Creatine Monohydrate and Caffeine-Free pre-workout supplement can aid the process of training and recovery. It is understood that these supplements are intended to provide long-lasting energy and muscle build. Whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete, let Wellversed get you to the place you want to be.

For those willing to enhance their strength and recovery, our Wellcore Creatine Monohydrate and Pre-Workout supplements are the perfect solution. Improve your workouts and get the most out of your exercise routines! 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What to Expect When You Start Using Creatine?

Taking creatine increases your ability to perform better during workout sessions with increased energy and quick recovery.

2. What Are the Best Practices for Beginners Using Creatine?

For best results, beginners should:

  1. Take about 3-5 grams regularly.

  2. Include proper nutrition 

  3. Follow a regular and adequate exercise regime.

  4. Stay hydrated and drink more water. 

3. How Should a Beginner Take Creatine?

Beginners should consume creatine either before or after a workout, depending on the schedule that would be suitable for them.  Micronised creatine monohydrate can be taken with shakes or in smoothies. 

4. Are There Any Side Effects of Creatine for Beginners?

Creatine for beginners is safe when administered in the suggested quantities. Some side effects of creatine include nausea, stomach upsets, and diarrhoea.

Next article Can You Mix Creatine Monohydrate with Pre-Workout?

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