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Gluten Free Diet

The 123’s And ABC’s Of A Gluten Free Diet

What is Gluten?

A generalized name for the protein generally found in wheat, barley or rye and the ingredient you might be familiar about in helping your loaf of bread retain its shape. Also found in some other sources in traces such as Oats gluten can be something that as cute as it may sound, can cause threats to the entire system.

‘Gluten Free’ has not been a new term in the air but has been often overlooked by all as a term that made no sense as to why would a strand of protein in wheat be harmful? Aren’t proteins supposed to be the most essential thing you look for?

A Gluten Free diet even if for the goal of weight loss can be beneficial in not only one single way but also in a wide range of reasons. Cutting down on the processed foods and making your mind doubt enough for you too hit the kitchen to cook. You can’t just simply trust the plastic tubs labelled gluten free, can you?

How is it a problem?

Consumption of Gluten containing grain can come as a normal practise with your daily bowl of oats as breakfast or toast nearly any time of the day. Whether it be in your daily club sandwich of a late-night burrito wrap with a wheat tortilla.

All of it serves completely normal on a daily schedule until it might show reverse effects. Yes, the innocent sounding Gluten might too prove as a threat for people diagnosed with celiac gluten sensitivity. Even the smallest amount, the size of a penny is enough to trigger immense reactions.

An immune response which might lead to the damaging of the inner lining of the small intestines. Interfering and causing troubles to the absorption of nutrients in the long run and developing deadly problems such as infertility and seizures.

Gluten sensitivity might also be a problem which too might result in symptoms similar to that of celiac disease but mitigating the fact of intestinal damage.

A big commitment to make when you decide to go for a gluten free diet making you give up on your daily toast in the morning or anything that might contain dough (and yes, we include pizza too). Along with a number of other essentials that might be a staple to your pantry, like cereals, pasta, beer and any of the food products that might include the word “natural flavourings” in the ingredients.

How will it help me?

A simple yet a very careful approach to your diet shall help you get the most out of your gluten free diet. Avoiding the fact of a resulting nutrient deficient diet that might result from unbalanced intake, it is something to look deeply into. A diet deficient in fibre can get worse with the withdrawal of bread.

The tags of gluten free on the shelves are more than common in recent times. From supermarket shelves to your local general stores, gluten free alternatives are abundant to help you out with your diet.

Celiac disease might be the only thing that can be the matter of concern when it comes to adapting to a gluten free diet. The problems revolving around having a history of gastrointestinal disorders and irritable bowel syndrome can be solved with a gluten free diet.

Whether it be finding yourself a diet which matches your low FODMAP diet. Wait, now what is FODMAP? A diet containing Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols or ‘FODMAP’ might be something that results in IBS. A gluten free diet is enough to suffice you through all of the jargons on a daily basis keeping your mind and your body healthy at the same time.

So, what do I eat?

Gluten free whole grains can act as a solution to your daily fix of the bowl of oats you depended on for your morning energy. Alternatives such as Quinoa, Buckwheat and Brown Rice can be some known solutions as well as tapioca, millet and arrowroot which on a little browsing is easy to get your hands on something sweet.

You don’t have to compromise on your fruits and vegetables at all! Your daily apple a day is still keeping the doctor away. Not ignoring the fact that one should avoid canned and frozen products to get away from those ‘natural sweeteners.

Meat and poultry and other sources of protein still remain untouched and you are free to enjoy your steak at a Sunday house barbeque. Again, processed products such as sausages, minced meat and hot dogs are something to be avoided. Also, you simply can’t ingest the breaded items. Dairy products to avoid also include the ones artificially or naturally flavours and that includes a strict no to Malt Based dairy products. Cooking oils with flavourings should also be avoided.

Thinking about how much of a drag a Monday would be without cracking open a cold one? Well, although beer and hard liquor must be something to watch out for when you are on a gluten free diet. Thank god the gluten free alternatives to malt-based drinks like beer and ale are just a trip to the supermarket away. Not only looking at the aspect of a gluten free diet helping you lose the extra pounds but is more sufficient to help you keep a better balance of health in your daily routine.

The more of a struggle to live a better life and giving you a taste out of your daily wheat bread, toast and bowl of porridge. Also, an adventure to help you get that immunity and also discover new alternatives to your favourite beer or bread. A gluten free diet will bring you health benefits as well as satisfaction.

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