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Rice Bran Oil Vs Olive Oil

Rice Bran Oil Vs Olive Oil

Rice bran and olive oils both are considered to be healthy options. Olive oil is popularly considered as a healthy source of monounsaturated fat, whereas rice bran oil is popular as a multi-use hypoallergenic oil.

Following is the Fat content of both Olive Oil and Rice Bran Oil:

  • Monounstaurated fat in Olive Oil : 3.3 g
  • Monounsaturated fat in Rice bran Oil: 1.8 g
  • Polyunstaurated fat in Olive Oil : 0.5 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat in Rice bran Oil: 1.6 g
  • Saturated fat in Olive Oil : 0.6 g
  • Saturated fat in Rice Bran Oil : 0.9 g

Apart from the fat content, they differ in terms of:


Rice bran oil beats olive oil in its vitamin E control, as it contains both the tocopherol and tocotrienol types of the vitamins, though olive oil contains just the tocopherol structure – and less of that than rice bran oil. Furthermore, rice bran oil contains noteworthy measures of the cancer prevention agent oryzanol, though olive oil has none. Olive oil contains a greater amount of the health-enhancing antioxidants known as DHPEA-EDA, known for its heart-ensuring limit.

Health Benefits

Bringing down cholesterol is a conceivable advantage of adding rice bran oil to your eating regimen. When antioxidants from rice bran oil are added to the diet, it helps in a decrease in “bad” cholesterol. An eating routine that replaces butter or margarine with a monounsaturated fat source like olive oil, correlates lower blood pressure and a lower risk of cardiovascular concerns. Olive oil also has the potential for bringing down the risk of breast cancer.

Smoking Points

While picking a cooking oil for a dish requiring high warmth, rice bran oil might be the better alternative; it has a smoking point of 490 degrees Fahrenheit, verses 360 degrees for olive oil. This implies the essential supplements, for example, unsaturated fats won’t break down as quickly during the cooking process and will retain their nutritional value.

Shelf Life

Rice bran oil has a long shelf life because of its specific mix of components. Olive oil, then again, is sensitive. You can refrigerate olive oil to drag out its time span of usability.

Calorie Alert

The two oils are high in calories and thus better to use in moderation. Rice bran is lower in monounsaturated fats, or “good” fats, than olive oil and isn’t gets readily absorbed into food amid the cooking procedure.

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