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Guide on Low Carb Fruits

Guide on Low Carb Fruits

Fruits! One of the most loved, tasty, and healthy fruits. Who doesn’t love fruits? The benefits of eating a range of fruits have been proven by numerous researches. Fruits can help with many diseases and symptoms. Fruits keep hundreds of diseases at bay!

Fruits are usually high in calories and low in fat but contain varying amounts of carbohydrates and sugars. However, fruits are packed with important vitamins and minerals, plus fiber. Fiber helps slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream so you’re less likely to experience lows and mood swings. 

Many dietary regimes require a low intake of carbs. For example, people on a ketogenic diet have to keep their carb intake within 40 grams per day. The low-carb diets are gaining prominence throughout the world for helping people with weight loss and reversal of many weight-related issues. The most popular low-carb diet is the ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is trending nowadays, with fitness freaks, influencers, celebrities and fitness coaches recommending the diet to people who face increased weight and related issues.

People on these low carb diets, especially keto diet eliminate fruits from their daily diet due to high carb and sugar levels in them. The ketogenic diet is highly restrictive in nature and this results in execution problems. Fruits, however, are one of the healthiest foods you can have, and you should avoid them at your regret!

Nature’s candies are so nutritious not only because of vitamins and minerals but they also are rich in antioxidants. Fruits, when taken in a controlled and planned manner, can really help you with weight loss rather than hamper it.

Naturally, keto diet followers fall for many fruits, at times. They need help with the choice of fruits that add flavor, color, and taste to their food without canceling out the benefits of a low-carb diet.

Whether you are on a low-carb diet or a keto diet, you are always more cautious about your eating choices. Looking out for foods that are low carb or keto-friendly is your daily struggle. Nonetheless, there are some low-carb fruits you can surely munch on and sustain your keto diet regime. We are summarizing some of the low carb fruits here:

#1 Strawberries

A 100-gm serving of strawberries contains a mere 8 gm of carbohydrates. Strawberries are one of the best low carb fruits you can munch on a low-carb or keto diet. What makes strawberries a favorite is the presence of antioxidants.

#2 Watermelon

This tasty summer treat breathes in you a new life. It’s somewhat similar to strawberries in its carb content. It’s a yes-yes on a low-carb diet.

#3 Blackberries

These tasty little black candies are popularly used as seasonings on bakeries and confectionaries. You will be surprised to know that you can include them in your low carb diet owing to just 10 grams of carbs per 100-gram serving.

#4 Avocados

Avocados are a favorite among the ketogenic diet lovers. They are not only low in carbs but also high in healthy fats, making them keto-friendly fruit.The list is long and thus we have compiled the table below to help you with your keto fruits’ choice. This guide will give you an idea about what fruits to at and what not to eat on a low carb or ketogenic diet. 

Remember, fruits are important. Don’t deprive yourself of those important vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants present in fruits are required for your healthy regime. Here is a guide on low carb fruits you can have while following a low-carb or Ketogenic diet that fits within your macro ranges. You can add low carb oats along with fruits and milk.

Low Carb Fruits

Fruit Net Carbs (per 100g) Serving equivalent
Avocado 1.84 ½ a medium avocado
Black Olives 3.10 25 large black olives 
Star fruit 3.93 About one medium 
Blackberry 4.90 About 3/4 cup 
Raspberry 5.44 About 3/4 cup 
Strawberry 5.68 About 3/4 cup, whole 
Casaba Melon 5.70 Around ⅔ cup, cubed 
Watermelon 7.15 About 8 watermelon balls 
Cranberry 7.60 About 1 cup, whole 
Peach 8.40 About 3/4 small peach 
Apricot 9.12 About 3 apricots, pitted 
Plum 10.02 About 1 1/2 plums 
Kiwi 11.66 About 1 1/2 kiwis 
Blueberry 12.09 About 3/4 cup 
Granny Smith Apple 11.20 About 3/5 medium apple 
Honeydew Melon  8.30 About 8 honeydew balls 

Bottom Lines

When you are following a Ketogenic diet and want to indulge in fruits, stick to the above chart and enjoy low carb fruits. The ketogenic diet is becoming a common favorite. People are experiencing amazing results after following a keto diet. It’s a low carb, moderate protein, and a high-fat diet. People on a keto diet keep track of their carb intake.

This extra cautious approach often leads them to abandon fruits. Fruits are otherwise, the healthiest foods on the planet. With essential minerals and vitamins, fruits are a must for every dietary regime.

The quantity of consumption will depend upon your goals. If you are already having enough carbs from other sources, you should try to adjust fruits in your diet. These will also help you get rid of bad snacking.

Though most fruits are high in carbs and low in fats, there are various options like berries, avocado, pear, watermelon, and more that will help you get benefits and joy of eating fruits without eliminating the benefits of a healthy low-carb diet like the ketogenic diet.The above guide will give you a good idea about low carb fruits. You can consult this guide when you have a craving for fruits. 

If you are thinking amount starting your keto regime or get to a keto diet, please give our other related articles a read. These articles will tell you the most things you need to know about the keto diet, its benefits, and probable side effects that you might face on a keto diet if you are having any related health issues.

We wish you good luck with your keto health regime!

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