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Weight Loss Pills

All About Instant Weight Loss Pills

In these modern times, more than being fit and healthy, being slim has become a new obsession. People have been observed to go to any extent to lose weight and reduce their belly fat. The latest trend is the consumption of instant weight loss pills.

The concept of weight loss pills have come up with the formation of salt which can burn calories. There are certain dieticians who advise the consumption of instant weight loss pills with the proper prescription.This article will focus on the instant pills, how they are made, the physiology and their risk factors. So let’s dive into the article.


Instant weight loss pills are the easiest weight loss therapy with the external help. Doctors prescribe the weight loss pills to only those whose BMI is 30 or higher with certain diseased conditions such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

For the weight loss therapy the first step is believed to be the following of a proper keto or intermittent fasting diet. Studies show that one cannot lose weight until there is no movement in the body. Instant weight loss pills shall also be consumed as a supplement.

The weight loss pills are manufactured by keeping in mind the concentration of the fat burning or fat absorbing salts which directly affects the salt. There can be various salts which are combined to form a final mixture. Some of the weight loss supplements fasten your keto diet by letting you reach a state called ketosis. Ketosis is when the body starts using fat for the energy purposes by converting them into ketone bodies.

Do not confuse weight loss pills with the normal supplements such as vitamin supplement, protein supplement and iron supplements. They are the requirement of the body and do not harm the body. Our body needs high protein content.Those who are already on keto diet and want to reduce weight in a certain amount of time can be prescribed with a lesser amount of doses to keep the metabolism active. It has also been noticed that some of these increase your satiety level which helps you to feel full for a longer duration of time.


Basically, the types of the weight loss pills are the methods by which weight can be reduced. There are two types of supplements which are manufactured for weight loss.


Fat trapping weight loss pills focus on binding the fat in the food and keep it from being digested. It prevents the body from absorption of dietary fat. The source of the fat trapping pills is chitosan.

They are powder in consistency and are found in shrimps, crabs and shellfish. People who are already on keto diet are sometimes advised to take these pills. Keto dieters seem to have positive fat loss with chitosan.

Chitosan is high in fiber content which is observed to be good for weight loss. Fiber increases the satiety level of the body which means that a dieter will feel full for a longer duration of time. Even in keto diet, it is advised to increase the intake of fiber.The only setback of the chitosan is that it inhibits the absorption of fat soluble nutrients. These nutrients may include Vitamin A and Vitamin D.


Fat burner weight loss pills increase the energy while fat burning stimulation. It burns the excess saturated fats which get accumulated in the belly region.Fat burners are manufactured by combination of herb derived stimulants with the fatty acids such as chromium picolinate, pyruvate and hydroxycitric acid. These herb derived stimulants might include caffeine and ephedrine.

Researchers have come to a conclusion that the fat burner drugs might be helpful but they have certain side effects. They increase the blood pressure and affect the heart health. The side effects are for long term periods even when the drug is stopped.



Weight loss pills are used to prevent the body from unnecessary weight gain. They do not contain any added sugar. They have been such a success that you can find various companies manufacturing different types of weight loss supplements.

These supplements are manufactured in various forms such as pills, capsules, powders and liquids. It is important to keep in mind that with these pills you will also have to follow low carb diets. These pills can be consumed with the meal or in place of a meal.

They react with the metabolic support system and provide a signal to the central nervous system to stimulate fat burning procedure. This fat burning procedure is known as thermogenesis.

They curb the cravings you might have of all the high carbohydrate and saturated fat foods. Many times keto dieters face the craving of outside, processed and packaged food. The craving is inhibited by these weight loss supplements.

These supplements also increase the satiety level so that it can prevent you from in between meals. It makes the patient feel full for a longer time.Instant weight loss supplements also speed up the metabolism process which can either slow down the production of fat in the body or inhibit the body from the absorption of fat.


Nowadays, the eating habits have become so unhealthy that most of the population has to rely upon a certain type of diet to keep them fit. Keto diet is the most common and famous diet plan which helps in fat loss procedure.

Straight to the answer, No they are not secure and safe to use the weight loss pills. They have various side effects on the body and might also elevate the cholesterol levels in certain groups of people. Patients with a history of blood sugar problems can have a worsen side effect.

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant prescription which is used to treat depression and is found in some supplements. They make you feel dizzy and numbness for most of the time. Phenolphthalein is a laxative chemical which can cause cancer by initializing the formation of tumor. The side effects could be diarrhea and fluid loss. It is their promotional strategies which make it attractive to use for weight loss. there is no easy and instant way to reduce weight without any added side effect.


Consumption of weight loss pills on keto diet can have many side effects. Except keto flu, it can weaken and worsen your body's immune system. General side effects of these pills are:

  •         Weight loss is not guaranteed

These supplements require the approval from food and drug administration. Any natural ingredient used for the manufacturing is going to make it less effective for weight loss.

Instant weight loss is only possible when there is incorporation of chemical salts in the pills. That is why the pills do not guarantee the result.

  •         Increased risk for heart health

The major ingredient in these weight loss supplements are the stimulants. These stimulants force the heart to work efficiently which might elevate the risk for heart attack and stroke. These pills have long been rejected by the FDA.

But they seem to have made their way back in by transforming them in some hidden ingredients.

  •         Addiction

These drugs contain amphetamines which are used to treat anxiety and depression. Drugs like these are commonly addictive because of the relaxation and calmness it gives to the body.

  •         Multiple side effects

There are various side effects of the weight loss diets, such as:

o   Constipation

o   Diarrhea

o   Headaches

o   Weakness

o   Mood swings

  •         Ineffective

Instant weight loss pills are not what it claims to be. Weight loss needs both dieting as well as exercising for the better results. It does not work on magic.Some of the pills consist of diuretics which result in water loss from the body. This water loss is temporary and makes us feel that the fat is burnt.The extreme water loss can also dehydrate your body.


The list consists of the ingredients which have been marked as inappropriate for human use: 
  •         EPHEDRA

Ephedra was banned because it elevated the risk of heart diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. In 2005 it was decided that small doses of ephedra was acceptable but in 2006, this ruling was withdrawn. Hence, it was banned.

  •         HYDROXYCUT

This product was banned because of innumerous side effects such as hepatitis and jaundice. The case study which was the evidence of this case was a person who died and another one suffered for liver damage. Hence, it was banned.

  •         MERIDIA

Drugs related to meridian in them were simply withdrawn from the market after it showed the risk of stroke and heart attacks. There were patients who also suffered from the diseases.


The bottom line is these pills are not worth the cash you might pay. They are expensive and have various effects on the body. It is better that you combine a particular type of diet with the regular exercises. Health once lost cannot be regained.

However there are certain weight loss pills which are naturally made and can be good for the body as well. Natural products are better than the artificially made. It is better that you inculcate keto friendly food such as olive oil and coconut oil.

It is also better that you research the pills you are going to buy. It is better to know about the pros and cons of the supplements from beforehand. Physical activity is a necessity when it comes to weight loss.

Stay aware! Stay safe!


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