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20 Foods That Are High In Vitamin C

20 Foods That Are High In Vitamin C

For the starters, Vitamin C is a water-dissolvable nutrient that is found in numerous nourishments, especially in certain fruits and vegetables. Foods that are rich in vitamin C include guavas, bell peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries, oranges, cherries, sweet lime, lemon, papayas, broccoli, tomatoes, and kale.

What are the advantages of Vitamin C in the body?

  • It is critical to the development and support of a large portion of the tissues of your body.
  • Vitamin C is involved in the making of collagen which is required for solid connective tissue and clotting of wounds. 
  • Along with vitamin A and zinc, the advantages of nutrient C incorporate a more efficient and healthy immune system. It lowers the level of the destructive free radicals in your body, which make antioxidants significant for malady counteraction. 
  • It improves the retention of nonheme iron, the type of iron present in plant-based nourishments and it's likewise essential to make specific synapses and for protein digestion. 
  • Truth be told, it might assume a crucial job in decreasing your danger of coronary illness—and even give a boost to the lifestyle and health of people who have cancer.

The human body can't create or store vitamin C. In this way; it's fundamental to devour it routinely in required sums. Insufficiency indications incorporate the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding from gums
  • Delay in the clotting of wounds 
  • Susceptibility to catching bruises and contaminations
  • Inefficient injury recuperation
  • Iron deficiency, thus leading to anaemia
  • Scurvy

How much vitamin C should you intake daily?

As per various studies, and medical practitioners, the daily value for vitamin C is about 85-90 mg for males and 75 mg for females. However, for pregnant females, the requirement goes up to 85 mg, and for nursing mothers, it's about 120 mg. If you aren't a big fan of lemons and oranges, then luckily for you, there are a lot of different nourishments high in nutrient C in the market. Hop on the bandwagon to know about the

Top 20 food items enriched with Vitamin C

1. Oranges and Sweet Lime

Since time immemorial Oranges have been widely recognized as an essential source of vitamin C. They are likewise enriched with potassium, folate, lutein and nutrient A. A single 8-ounce glass of squeezed orange contains 120 milligrams of nutrient C, so it just takes one serving to get power-packed with your daily dose of vitamin C. Sweet lime is locally known as Mausami in India. It is a rich wellspring of ascorbic acid. It gives around 50 mg of nutrient C per 100gms. The antiseptic properties of sweet lime settle on it as a perfect natural product for some magnificent care treatments that improve the overall health of the hair and skin.


2. Kakadu Plums

A superfood native to Australia, The Kakadu plum contains multiple times more nutrient C than oranges. It has the most remarkable known convergence of nutrient C, containing up to 5,300-5,400 mg for every 100 grams. It's likewise plentiful in potassium, nutrient E and the cancer prevention agent lutein, which may improve to eyesight in the long run.

3. Grapefruit

Grapefruits are a bit sour in taste profile, albeit ruby red grapefruits will, in general, be comparatively sweeter. If you cut a grapefruit in two-halves, one half will have 45 milligrams of vitamin C, in addition to fibre, potassium, and abundant vitamin A. Grapefruit gives only 41 calories, settling on it is an incredible decision for individuals who are attempting to eat more beneficial or get in shape.

4. Green Peppers

Green bell pepper is another resistance boosting wager, with 120 milligrams of nutrient C per serving. They additionally convey 8% of the day by day estimation of vitamins A and K and 15% of nutrient B6. One entire green ringer pepper contains only 24 calories. Pick peppers that are a beautiful green with perfect skin, without any unnecessary marks and defects.

5. Acerola Cherries

If you are a big fan of red and ripe cherries, you'll relish the taste of acerola cherries as well. Only one-half cup of red acerola cherries conveys 822 mg of nutrient C, which is a splendid amount. Various studies conducted on individual animals considering the usage of acerola extricate have indicated that:

  • It might have malignant growth battling properties
  • It helps forestall UVB skin damage. 
  • It's even found to diminish DNA harm brought about by a poor eating regimen. 
6. Strawberries

Strawberries are sweet, succulent, and stacked with nutrient C. One cup of strawberry cuts had 98 milligrams. Strawberries are additionally an awesome wellspring of fibre and folate and also enriched with potassium and magnesium. A bunch of strawberries makes an astounding meal for snack-time. Studies have demonstrated that because of their high cell reinforcement content, strawberries may help forestall malignancy, vascular illness, dementia and diabetes.


7. Sweet Red Peppers

Red sweet peppers are high in nutrient C, much the same as green bell peppers, yet they have a milder flavour. These veggies are bright, crunchy, and one cup of cut, crude, red sweet pepper conveys around 117 milligrams of nutrient and has just 28 calories. It's additionally stacked with fibre, nutrient A, and a few B-complex nutrients.

8. Broccoli

Various studies have demonstrated various advantages of eating a lot of nutrient C-rich cruciferous vegetables like:

  • Brought down oxidative pressure
  • Improved insusceptibility 
  • It diminishes the risk of cancerous growth and coronary illness. 

Broccoli is a perfect example of such vegetables. The nutrient C substance of Broccoli has around 81 milligrams for each cup of finely chopped Broccoli, and it's likewise a fantastic wellspring of protein, giving around 3-4 gm for every cup serving.

9. Tomato Juice

If you like nibbling on a raw tomato with salt sprinkled on the top, you'll get about 20 mg of your daily dose of ascorbic acid. However, you'll get a great deal more nutrient C when tomatoes are amassed into juice. One 8-ounce glass of real tomato juice has over 120-127 milligrams of nutrient C. It's likewise plentiful in nutrient A and lycopene, a cancer prevention agent that is useful for your heart. You'll additionally get a lot of nutrient C when you use tomato juice and other amassed tomato items in a majority of your meal plans and food recipes.

10. Guavas

Well, summer means the season of luscious tropical fruits, and Guava is one of them. It packs an inconceivable 377 milligrams of nutrient C per cup. That is a lot many times your suggested every day admission! It's especially wealthy in the cancer prevention agent lycopene. According to research, eating around 7-8 sliced pieces of Guava altogether brings down the circulatory strain and LDL cholesterol levels in grown-ups.

11. Sweet Yellow Peppers

The nutrient C substance of bell peppers increments as they mature and ripen with time. Only one-half cup, i.e. 75-80 grams of yellow peppers, gives 152% of the Daily Value of nutrient C, which is twofold the sum found in green peppers. Expending enough nutrient C is significant for the maintenance of your eye health and may help ensure against developing cataract.

12. Blackcurrants

Around 56 grams of blackcurrants contains 101 mg of nutrient Antioxidant flavonoids known as anthocyanins give them their rich, dim shading. Together, these properties infused in blackcurrants has the following advantages:

  • It may diminish oxidative harm related to certain chronic infections, 
  • Gives a boost to reduced immunity, 
  • It protects against coronary illness, cancerous growths and tumours. 
  • Reduces the risk factor of developing neurodegenerative ailments.
13. Kiwi

Ripe and pulpy green kiwifruit is a brilliant wellspring of vitamin C. One small kiwi has above 60 milligrams of ascorbic acid. Kiwifruit is additionally wealthy in potassium and fibre and is low in calories, containing only 40 calories per small fruit. Yellow kiwis contain 130 milligrams of nutrient C per fruit serving that is multiple times the sum found in the popular green-fleshed variant of kiwi.


14. Brussels Sprouts

Like most cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts are likewise high in fibre, nutrient K, folate, nutrient A, manganese and potassium. Significantly in the wake of being cooked, one cup yields more than your day by day prerequisite of C. They're likewise high in many cancer prevention agents.

15. Lychee

The fragrant, tropical smell of these small-sized, succulent fruits is a sufficient motivation to add them to your eating routine. Yet, they just so happen to be stacked with 136 mg for every cup of nutrient C. Lychees additionally contain omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fats, which advantage your cerebrum, heart and veins.

16. Hot Green Chilli Peppers

A mere one green chilli pepper packs an incredible 109 milligrams of nutrient C. Besides. Research shows that spicing up your nourishments can boost your digestion.

17. Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is an assortment of cabbage; however, the surface is fresh and crunchy yet isn't very leafy. One cup packs a healthy 84 milligrams of nutrient C.

18. Pineapple

Pineapples are super-sweet and delightful, and they're additionally stacked with nutrients. A cup of chopped pineapples has around 80 milligrams. It's likewise a decent wellspring of potassium, magnesium, folate, and fibre.

19. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is crunchy, delightful, and a superb wellspring of nutrient C. One cup of raw cauliflower has 51 milligrams of ascorbic acid. Are you still hating vegetables?

20. Mango

Advantageously, the king of all fruits mango, though it's sweet, happens to be too nutritious. One mango, for instance, contains 75 milligrams of vitamin C.


Bottom Line

Undoubtedly, vitamin C is imperative for your excellent immunity, connective tissue and heart health along with and the maintenance of healthy blood vessels, among numerous other significant jobs. While natural citrus fruits might be the most well-known wellspring of nutrient C, a wide assortment of organic vegetables are plentiful in this nutrient and may even surpass the sums found in citrus fruits.

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