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Keto Fruit: 10 Best Healthy Options

Keto Fruit: 10 Best Healthy Options

The ketogenic or keto diet is a low carb-  high fat eating plan which aims to initiate the process of Ketosis in the body by producing energy from proteins and fats and lose weight as the primary effect if the person is obese. When on a Keto diet, the dieter is restricted to consume a very negligible amount of carbohydrates as no carb is the thumb rule of Keto. As such, many high carb foods are considered off-limits on the Keto diet, including certain types of grains, starchy vegetables, legumes, and most of the fruits. 

Since most of the fruits are considered off limits on the Keto diet, people generally refrain from consuming fruits but the body needs to have a balanced diet in order to live a healthy life and there are few healthy nutrients which can only be gained through fruits. In this blog we would be talking about some fruits which have lower glycemic index, are low in net, digestible carbs and contain many important nutrients making them Keto friendly. 



Avocado can be considered the King of all Keto Fruits. (even though they are considered to be a vegetable, biologically they are fruits). Since avocados are highly rich in healthy fats and low in carbs they make a rich source of fats on the Ketogenic diet. Avocados contain many important nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate and Potassium etc. Avocados are consumed in the form of salad dressings, accompanied with rolls and sandwiches, veggies and eaten alone as well. 


Lemons are extremely Keto friendly in nature as they are extremely low in carbs and add a zesty and tangy flavour to a lot of meals due to the presence of citric acid in it. Like most of the  other citrus fruits, lemons also have antioxidant properties, they contain vitamin C and flavonoids. Lemons contain pectin, a type of fiber that helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels, fighting inflammation, and slowing down the growth rate of cancer cells. Lemon is generally used to garnish every dish and is used in lemon water, vinaigrettes, lemonades etc to provide a zesty taste. 



It is a well known fact that of the very short list of fruits which can be consumed on the Keto diet, berries are always at the top. Blueberries, Raspberries, Raspberries etc are extremely Keto friendly fruits and should be included into the daily diet since they are absolutely carb free and enriched with important nutrients. Blueberries are naturally rich in healthy phytochemicals such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, cyanidin, and ellagic acid which make them good for the immune system. Apart from these, blueberries are rich in many important nutrients such as Vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K, copper, folate, magnesium and potassium etc. Blueberries can be used in smoothies, salad dressings, bakery etc. 


Tomatoes are mostly considered and used as a vegetable in many meals and recipes, however tomatoes are botanically classified as a fruit. With a significantly lower carb count than many other fruits, tomatoes are easy to fit into a balanced ketogenic diet.Tomatoes are low in calories and high in beneficial plant compounds, including lycopene, beta carotene, and naringenin making them good for health and fit for the Keto diet on an overall. 


It is a well known fact that of the very short list of fruits which can be consumed on the Keto diet, berries are always at the top. Blueberries, Raspberries etc are extremely Keto friendly fruits and should be included into the daily diet since they are mostly carb free and enriched with important nutrients. Strawberries are lower in carbs and contain moderate amounts of fats and protein. They also contain around 90% water in them making it a good source of hydration as well. 

Strawberries are not only tasty but also have health- boosting properties which make it beneficial. Strawberries have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which studies show can help in preventing problems such cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, and some kinds of cancers as well. 



Watermelon as the name suggests is mostly water (93%). It also contains carbs in moderate amounts only which makes it a good fruit to consume on a keto diet, if consumed in limited quantities. Since a high amount of water is present in watermelon, it is good on the initial days of the diet but the moderation should be maintained as there are negligible fats and proteins  present in watermelons. Additionally, watermelons also contain a plant based compound called lycopene,  which acts as an antioxidant to decrease cell damage and fight diseases. 


Cantaloupes are special types of muskmelon closely related to other varieties of melon, such as watermelon and honeydew. Cantaloupe is a Keto friendly fruit which you can easily enjoy on a Ketogenic diet in moderation and limited quantities. Cantaloupe has a relatively low carb content and low glycemic index compared to other fruits and it is a good source of important nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium and Folate. It can be eaten raw in the form of salad dressings and in fruit smoothies etc. 


Peaches are a type of stone fruit known for their fuzzy skin and sweet, juicy flesh. They can be consumed by moderating the portion size and pairing with other low carb foods. Peaches are rich in important micronutrients, such as Vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and niacin.The benefits of peaches include improved triglyceride and cholesterol levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease.



Coconut can be consumed in many forms such as coconut pulp, coconut milk etc. However all might not be Keto friendly as the glycemic index of coconut is high and the carb content is relatively more. However, the coconut meat which is the white fleshy interior consists of healthy fats and digestible fiber, with a moderate number of carbs and protein which makes the coconut meat a Keto friendly solution.


It is a well known fact that of the very short list of fruits which can be consumed on the Keto diet, berries are always at the top. Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries etc are extremely Keto friendly fruits and should be included into the daily diet since they are absolutely carb free and enriched with important nutrients. 


Even though most of the fruits are oftentimes considered to be off-limits and not healthy for the ketogenic diet (due to glycemic index and high carb diets issue) , there are plenty of low carb delicious and nutritious fruits which can be incorporated into the diet on a moderation to consume a balanced diet. In addition to being low in net carbs and high in fiber, many of these fruits offer a wealth of other important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. Many fruits also offer special plant based proteins and compounds which boost the immune system towards deadly diseases and cannot be found in other food products such as cancer etc. One must aim to have a balanced keto diet, do physical exercise, drink lots of water and achieve Ketosis smoothly in order to increase the healthspan and get reduced risks and good results from the diet. 

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