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How to maintain weight loss after a keto diet is over?

How to Maintain Weight Loss After a Keto Diet is Over?

The ketogenic diet is a restrictive diet which includes high fat and low carbohydrate foods. The keto diet can be advised to you for either short term or long term according to weight and age. Although, a long term diet is yet not advised and is still under research. The keto diet is preferably followed to reduce the weight and increase the body muscles.

Everyone who starts with the keto diet has a desired weight or the transition.The weight loss procedure takes place for a certain period of time. Even after the proper keto diet, the weight reduction procedure stops. This indicates the right time to shift to the normal diet.

However, the ketogenic diet plan has been proven to be beneficial for the body, there shall be a certain period of time to shift to the normal diet. To maintain the goal weight, it requires an adequate procedure.

The weight maintenance requires an advanced plan with a commitment of management of the weight. The weight maintenance diet does not need to be similar to the ketogenic diet plan. Whereas, there may come a time where you might start gaining weight because of your earlier eating habits.

It has also been duly researched that the low carbohydrate and high protein diets are useful for long runs as well. They have also been proven successful for the weight maintenance period after the completion of keto diet.Specifically in India, the diet plan is made in such a way that there are enough carbohydrates according to the cuisine and culture. 

Keto diet doesn’t ask you to go on a complete salad diet; it requires you to cut back on extra carbohydrate and fat. Instead increase the intake of all the vitamins, minerals and proteins.Proteins, itself have been very useful in the weight loss procedure. Protein increases the satiety level in the body. 

It means that the high protein food takes a longer period of time for breakdown. It lets the food to breakdown in a gradual process due to which it keeps the stomach fuller for a longer time.Also, if your weight has stopped reducing and you have reached your goal weight, it becomes important to halt the keto diet for further weight maintenance diet plans.

In this article, there will be certain rules to halt the keto diet and the food products you can include in your diet. You might also find the problems faced by people after ending the keto diet.

How to get off the keto diet?

There isn’t any proper formula to halt the keto diet however; there can be certain suggestions to improve the diet plans. It is necessary that you do not go back to your old eating habits.

Gradually increase your carbohydrate intake

You might be a total expert in calculating your carbohydrate intake but it is necessary to keep counting for weight maintenance. 

The least you could start with is to start eating a little bit more food so that you get out of ketosis. You need to raise the carbohydrate intake but not so much that it increases your weight.

The proper way to increase the diet plan is to also increase the 10 grams of carbohydrate per day for the first week. It is also important to keep noting your weight changes every day. 

You might also feel certain changes in the way you feel, you must note down that as well. Depending on the goal, you can increase the number of carbohydrates.

You can also ask your dietitian to restrict the amount of carbohydrate you can increase up to. The intake of carbohydrates differs for everyone according to the goals and activities.

After you have been in the keto diet plan, there is reduction in any additional cravings. Lot of people have observed that eating more carbohydrates increases blood sugar and weight. That is why; it is advised to gradually increase carbohydrates.

Fat loss to muscle gain process

Thereafter the keto diet plan, it is all about how you maintain your weight. If you increase the carbohydrate intake in your diet and gradually start your normal eating habits, it is common to increase a certain amount of weight.

The weight maintenance procedure is all about how you maintain your fat. Dietitians have also advised that you can redirect the fat in your body to add muscle mass. Muscle mass in the body tends to improve the metabolic flexibility, strengthens the bones and also reduces the risk of diabetes. This way the fat doesn’t get deposited to the belly portion.

As it has already been known by all that you cannot just reduce the weight by dieting. It is essential to perform some exercise. For fat maintenance as well, you can exercise to redirect the fat in the portions you need.

Protein is also helpful in building muscles. The keto diet also runs on a high protein diet. So it is advised that you can continue to take the usual amount of protein for managing the muscle mass.

Coming off keto

Shift to Paleo diet

Shifting from one diet plan to another can be a tedious procedure. But paleo diet is a bit lenient and does not affect the health as well.

Paleo diet is also a dietary plan in which the foods which are from the Paleolithic era are eaten. This diet is also known as Paleolithic diet, Stone Age diet, hunter-gatherer diet or caveman diet. The general foods which are eaten are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, and fish, olive and walnut oils.

The food products which are avoided are wheat, legumes, sugar, dairy products and potatoes.Because of the paleo diet, you can increase the extra carbohydrates in your diet. It keeps you in specific limits, so that the diet doesn’t go off the rails. 

These carbohydrates are nutrient-dense and fiber-rich.  It is not important that you follow the paleo diet religiously. It just helps you to get you off the ketogenic diet.

Avoid processed and packaged food

The processed and packaged food contains a higher amount of carbohydrate level and unhealthy fats. Avoiding them without any diet is also beneficial. The basic bottom line is we don’t know how the food product is cooked and processed.

The packaged food also contains many preservatives which are harmful for the body. The processed food is generally treated with the chemical compositions which are sometimes not mentioned in the packaging.

coming off keto

When you halt the keto- diet plan, your body is not capable enough to take any food product which is rich in carbohydrates and fat. It is advised to take extra care of the food you eat. Gradual increase of carbohydrate is necessary for the proper functioning of the body.This will also prevent the body from unwanted digestion problems.

Maintain your portion size

It might be the last point, but the most important one. Sometimes, we add in so much food to plate that it becomes heavy for your body. After your keto diet is done, the stomach becomes resistant to more food.

coming off keto

The carbohydrate, protein, fat and nutrient level in your plate shall be according to your diet plan. The gradual increase in portion size can balance the digestion procedure. There shouldn’t be a sudden increase in portion size as well.It is important to have a balanced diet after keto. The diet must include all the nutrients in an adequate amount with a little bit increase in carbohydrate level.

What food can I eat after I end my keto diet?

This is the most often asked question by anyone who has stopped following a keto diet. There will still be restrictions regarding junk food and highly unhealthy street food. Still, there can be certain foods which you can resume after a keto diet.

Black Coffee/ Green Tea

The commonly known bullet coffee can be substituted with either black coffee or green tea.Black coffee contains chlorogenic acid which is helpful in speeding up the weight loss process. 

black coffee on keto

Including black coffee in your diet can help you keep up with your weight goals after a keto diet. After you eat food, chlorogenic acid slows the production of glucose in the body.Green tea contains many plant based nutrients which are natural and organic. It helps you to maintain the weight and also boost the metabolism.

Baked Chicken/ grilled fish

The fried chicken in your diet can never be a healthy choice. You can substitute it with baked chicken. The chicken can be baked in either microwave or oven.Just like chicken, even fish is popularly eaten as fried fish. Fried fish also needs to be substituted with the grilled fish. There are many good recipes available.


The cheese in your diet can be substituted with the paneer. Paneer is processed milk which contains many nutrients and can be cooked in various ways. In Indian diet, Paneer is the essence of any party.You can always incorporate paneer in your diet. Paneer is also a rich source of protein.

Brown Rice

White rice is always considered harmful for weight reduction. It also consists of a higher level of carbohydrate.After your keto diet is over, you can substitute white rice with the brown rice. It is low in carbohydrate and calories. It is also enriched with the essential nutrients.

Soy Chunks

Soy chunks are the chief food in Indian diet. It is basically known for high protein content. For vegetarians, soy chunks can be a healthier option.

soya chunks on keto

After you halt the ketogenic diet, it will help in maintaining the cholesterol levels in the body. It also enhances the digestion of the body.

What problems can you face after a keto diet?

This is the major question which arises in almost every individual’s mind that stops his keto diet. It is natural that after you start a certain diet, your body becomes habitual of the food intake.There are also certain people who remain on a particular diet for their whole life. That completely depends on your body type and your choice.Ending the keto diet could bring in some challenges and here are some of them.

Blood sugar fluctuations

Coming off the keto diet could be a little unpredictable. There might be some people who experience no change but there are also some people who might observe the rise in their blood sugar levels.

This happens because of the increase in carbohydrate in your diet. The changes in blood sugar can also affect the external changes in the body. You might feel jitteriness, mood swings, hyperactivity and fatigue.If the situation is out of control, you must consult a doctors.

There might be weight gain

Re-starting carbohydrates in your diet can be a little upsetting for your weight change process. You can definitely rule out the weight gain possibilities by metabolizing carbohydrate levels and exercises.

If you have been on keto diet for a longer time, there is a possibility that you might not observe much weight change. For those who have been on a ketogenic diet for a shorter time may notice the weight gain much more.

Digestion issues

Digestion imbalance is temporary and may contain bloating issues. After keto diet, it is common to add in carbohydrate and fibrous foods in your diet. They can create intestinal issues.Digestion imbalance will get better as soon as you get adjusted to the new diet plan.

Might have food cravings

After you come off the ketogenic diet, you generally end high fat and high protein food. This kind of food is satiating and makes you feel fuller for a longer time. The food you start eating will contain less fat and more carbohydrates which digests faster and empties the stomach.

After each meal, you might feel hungry and might want to snack on something. That is when your will power comes into play. You will have to pair the carbohydrate food with protein and fat in the diet.This will help the body to slow down the digestion process and also keep the blood sugar level in balance.

 It is always better to research about every aspect of any diet you start or come off. If you have the will to stay healthy then you can find any possible way to conquer a healthy and fit body.

Stay healthy!

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