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Keto Foods which are high in Calcium

Keto Foods which are high in Calcium

The Ketogenic diet is getting more popular each day. With more people getting health conscious, the Ketogenic diet is getting some love each day. Everyone is impressed by the results of following a Ketogenic diet. Its effectiveness is proven and acclaimed. Many researches have confirmed that it has obvious results. Ketogenic diet stimulates a natural biochemical process called Ketosis, which will be discussed in the article. People not following the ketogenic diet, have the excuse that the diet has quite tough execution and yes, the bland carb-deficient food! (which isn’t true, however). 

People usually, can no longer eat the same foods that they used to get their calcium from, on a Ketogenic Diet. It’s quite complicated and you have to compromise at times. You want to start eating healthy, but at the same time don’t want to miss some essential nutrients like calcium. We understand and thought of doing something about it. 

On a Ketogenic diet, you need to make sure that your body is getting the right amount of essential nutrients. The lack of these nutrients in your diet will only harm you. It’s thus very important, on a keto diet, to know what you are eating, and what it is giving you. It’s said that you become what you eat. And on a Ketogenic diet, the quote seems to hold its position way firmly. 

One of the most important nutrients is Calcium. Whether you are on a Ketogenic diet or planning to go with the one, you might want to know where to get this calcium from. And you don’t need to worry! We have sorted out things for you.

Calcium is an essential nutrient your body needs in small quantities. Besides strengthening your bones, calcium also helps your blood clot so you don’t bleed out from minor wounds, promotes muscle contraction, and has a role in helping your heart pump blood.

There’s also one more reason to include plenty of calcium-rich foods in your diet: you naturally lose calcium when you sweat and excrete. Since you will take more than normal pee breaks when you are on ketosis, you tend to lose more calcium than ever. You also lose calcium when you lose hair, skin, and nails.

Typically, you need to consume 1000 mg of calcium per day from your food on a Keto Diet. And you should know how important calcium is for you. You shouldn’t compromise on calcium intake as it can lead to various health problems.  Here is a complete guide we have compiled for you. These Keto-friendly foods are high in calcium and will help you get the required dose of calcium even when you are on a Ketogenic diet.

1. Broccoli

Calcium content : 1 cup cooked, 62 mg

In addition to their Calcium content, Broccoli is a good source of immune-boosting Vitamin C too. The calcium content, however, is quite low and you would like to combine it with some other calcium boosting foods. 

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, alongside cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, rutabaga, and turnips. Also, Broccoli helps in Cancer Prevention, Lowering Cholesterol Levels and improving Eye Health. Broccoli has a reputation as a superfood. It is low in calories but contains a wealth of nutrients and antioxidants that support many aspects of human health.

2. Sesame Seeds

Calcium content : 100 g, 1000 mg

In addition to their Calcium content, Sesame seeds help in lower Cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, balance hormone levels and enhance nutrient absorption. Sesame seeds add a nutty taste and a delicate, almost invisible, crunch to many Indian dishes. They are also the main ingredients in the wonderful Middle Eastern sweet called halvah.

3. Sunflower Seeds

Calcium content : 1 oz, 20 mg

In addition to their Calcium content, these seeds are also a good source of antioxidant-rich vitamin E and Copper.Perhaps the best aspect of sunflower seeds is their versatility as a food source. Sunflower seeds are more commonly eaten as a snack than as part of a meal. They can also be used as garnishes or ingredients in various recipes.

4. Chia Seeds

Calcium Content: 3.5 Ounce serving, 631 mg

In addition to their Calcium content, Chia Seeds are a good source of omega fatty-3 acids, fiber, antioxidants and Iron.They are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they have fiber, iron, and calcium.

5. Kale

Calcium Content: 100 grams serving, 254 mg

It has a versatile use in numerous recipes, especially in Asia. In addition to their Calcium content, Kale is high in fiber and water. Both of these helps prevent constipation & promote a healthy digestive tract. Kale is a go-to for your calcium needs when you are considering Keto veggies.It also contains B vitamins and vitamin C which promotes iron absorption.

6. Almonds

Calcium Content: 1 Ounce serving, 200 mg

In addition to their Calcium content, Almonds are also rich in fiber, manganese, and vitamin E.Eating Almonds helps in lower blood pressure, body fat and other risk factors for metabolic disease.Almonds are nutrient-rich seeds, not fruits, from the almond tree. Almonds are rich in energy, fiber, protein, and a number of essential vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

7. White Beans

Calcium content : 1 cup, 161 mg

In addition to their Calcium content, White Beans are rich in resistant starch that increase metabolism and help promote fat oxidation and prevent long term fat accumulation. These are also rich in folate, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

Eating these foods alone for fulfilling your calcium needs may not be the best idea but combining two or three of them, based on the recipe, will really help you with your calcium intake. These would also help you get rid of your ‘what to eat’ dilemmas, and add flavor to your boring meals. 

The Bottom line is: “Stick to these foods to get calcium on a Ketogenic Diet as Calcium is a super important mineral”.

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