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Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease: Eat, Diet, Nutrients

Celiac disease is a sensitivity problem caused by gluten. Some people are diagnosed with the allergic responses to gluten. To begin with it is important to keep a note of the factor that people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity take extra care.

It is important to keep a note that this disease will need a proper construct of a diet plan and might also go on to a gluten free diet. People with gluten free diets might also suffer from nutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies need to be overcome with the span of time.

Some of the people have been noticed to go on a gluten free diet to lose weight. Although it might lead to many hurdles on the way, it can surely overcome the weight loss procedure.This article will be focusing on the ideal eating meals, diets and also nutrition of people with celiac disease.


Gluten is a type of protein which can be found in various food products. Gluten is commonly found in wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is named after the consistency it contains; it is sticky as well as gluey in nature. Gluten is the main reason because of which the bakery products rise and take a spongy structure. This is because of the gluey consistency.

There are various people who suffer from gluten sensitivity because of the gluten in any food product. If not diagnosed or taken care of, it can take a severe form and lead to celiac disease.

Gluten sensitivity is when the person is diagnosed with the allergic responses of gluten and the disease is in control. This sensitivity to gluten can lead to adverse health effects which are needed to be controlled through external medications.

It can also be noticed that people with gluten sensitivity have a lesser chance to get diagnosed with the diagnostic tests. People like these will have to note down the food products they consume and the allergic responses they have after that.This physical examination can be done by the physician by studying about the symptoms you might have.

Symptoms of the gluten sensitivity might include discomfort in the stomach which might be because of the abdominal pain, bloating or indigestion. It might also lead to digestion problems such as either diarrhea or constipation.

Person suffering from gluten sensitivity might also feel continuous tiredness and weakness in the body. Allergic reactions such as rashes and eczema are also visible on the body as a symptom of gluten allergy.

gluten free


Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition which specifically harms the body itself. The damage is mostly done on the intestinal walls of the patient. Because of the continuous consumption of the gluten, the lining of the intestine starts getting disrupted.

Celiac disease has been identified as the disorder which does not have any cure till this date. The only cure and treatment to celiac disease is a strict gluten free diet. For nutrient deficiency, certain supplements are prescribed by the doctor.

People with celiac disease are advised to stop the consumption of gluten free completely. Even a little amount of gluten can damage the intestinal wall of the patient. Sometimes, even the symptoms of the allergic responses are hidden which makes it harder for the patient.


In celiac disease, it is important to maintain a healthy diet plan. It is better if you incorporate gluten free grains and gluten free breads in your diet. The processed food must be avoided at any cost.

Any food product which does not contain additives and is seasoning free is definitely gluten free and can be a part of the diet.

During shopping for gluten free products keep in mind that:

  1.  Buy the products which are labeled as gluten free.
  2. There might be hidden ingredients which contain gluten. Protein found in wheat also consists of little amounts of gluten in it.

The food products which do not contain any content of gluten are:

  1. Meats: The readymade food shouldn’t be bought. Animal proteins such as beef, chicken, dairy products, eggs, pork and turkey do not contain gluten.
  2. Fats: Avocado and avocado oil, coconut and coconut oil, olive and olive oil and butter.
  3. Fruits and vegetable: Fruits and vegetables in any form are gluten free. It may be frozen, dried or canned.
  4. Cereals: Buckwheat, corn, millet, quinoa and wild rice
  5. Herbs and spices: If the herbs and spices are freshly made without any processing and packaging, then it is naturally gluten free
  6. Legumes: Beans, lentils, peanuts, peas and soy
  7. Nuts: Almonds, cashew, chia seeds, pine nuts and walnuts.

gluten free


In celiac gluten sensitivity, it is advised to have a healthy eating habit. A doctor will prescribe you to avoid gluten. Gluten provides sources of protein which are needed to be avoided in a cluster.

Some of the food products which definitely contain gluten are:
  1. Baked products: Bagels, biscuits, bread, croissants, doughnuts, tortillas, pita bread, potato bread, rolls and waffles
  2. Desserts: Brownies, cakes, candies and pastries.
  3. Pasta: Noodles, ramen noodles, wheat pasta, chowmein and couscous
  4. Snacks: Crackers and pretzels.
  5. Beverages: Beer and malted and fermented beverages.
Food products that can get contaminated with leniency and processing are:
  1. Fried foods: Outside fried foods are at times fried at the same fryer and there can be contamination with gluten products.
  2. Restaurants: There might be restaurants which offer you gluten free food but do not take precautions might get contaminated.
Food products which consist of hidden gluten content:
  1. Brown Rice: Brown rice is gluten free until it is treated with barley malt.
  2. Chips
  3. Ice creams and yogurt
  4. Marinades and dressings
  5. Seasoning packets
  6. Broth


Except for people with celiac disease, there are various people who might opt for a gluten free diet for the weight loss process. Gluten free diet is when all the food products containing gluten such as gluten containing grains are avoided.

Food groups such as bakeries are highly avoided unless it is mentioned that they are gluten free. The foods which are needed to be avoided or taken are mentioned above.Doctors prescribe you to go on a strict gluten free diet to keep your body healthy. Even a little bit of gluten can lead to the damage of the intestinal wall.


Patients with celiac disease might suffer from deficiency of vitamin B, calcium, vitamin D, iron, zinc, magnesium and fiber. Some patients might also have a low bone mineral density because of the low fiber intake and micronutrients.

Poor nutrient status has been observed in various gluten free dieters. They might be prescribed with the supplements. People can also include the alternatives for the gluten food product such as soy milk for calcium and vitamin D and legumes for magnesium and iron.

Because of the gluten free diets, there are many food products which lack nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Certain saturated fats which are processed to have increased amounts of nutrients are avoided because of hidden ingredients. Nutrient deficiency in gluten free people has become a common issue.


The bottom line is, a gluten free diet shouldn’t be a choice because of the weight loss journey. It should only be for the people who are suffering from either celiac gluten sensitivity or non celiac gluten sensitivity. Gluten free diet is known for all the restrictive nature and specific food ingredients. The nutrient loss it can cause is beyond weight loss.

It is better that you shift on to some nicer and proper diet plans which can provide you a balanced diet such as keto diet and intermittent fasting. Gluten free diet shall remain confined to the people who are suffering from the allergic responses and the celiac disease.

Stay healthy! Eat healthy!


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