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Can you drink Coconut Water on a Keto Diet

Can you drink Coconut Water on a Keto Diet?

Naturally refreshing, coconut water has a sweet, nutty taste. It contains digested carbohydrates in the form of sugar and electrolytes.  But, Can you drink Coconut Water during Keto Diet?

To answer this question, let’s study the Nutrition facts of coconut water:

Calories 46
Total Fat 0.5 g
Saturated Fat 0.4 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0 g
Monounsaturated Fat 0 g
Carbohydrates 8.9 g
Sugars 6.3 g
Dietary Fiber 2.6 g
Protein 1.7 g
Sodium 252 mg
Potassium 600 mg

As per the Nutrition Facts of Coconut Water; 100 ml serving contains 8.9 grams of Carbohydrates and on Keto Diet; you should only be consuming max 50 grams of Carbohydrates. Hence,  you may or may not drink coconut water on a keto diet basis on the following circumstances:

•    If your daily carb intake is less than 40 grams then you can drink coconut water,

•    If your daily carb intake is more than 50 grams then you cannot during coconut water.

The bottom line is: “ You can take coconut water if your daily carb intake is in between 30-40 grams.”


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